+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions :

I saw a play in Dubline not long ago in which the chief character was an elderly corn-merchant in a small Irish country town. He was a man of many anxieties, his heart was dicky, his nephew was cheating him, his wife had the fantastic notion of spending 10 on a holiday. Altogether the pace of life was getting too much for him, and in a moment of despair, he uttered a great cry from the heart. They tell me there is an aeroplane now that goes at 1000 miles an hour. Now that is too fast.

(i) Name the essay and its author.

(ii) What kind of man was the corn-merchant?

(iii) What was his nephew doing?

(iv) What was his wife doing?

(v) Who was the chief character in the play?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) The name of the essay is 'The Pace for living' and the name of the author is R.C. Hutchinson'.

(ii) The corn merchant was a man of many anxieties.

(iii) His nephew was cheating him.

(iv) His wife had the fantastic notion of spending 10 on a holiday.

(v) The Chief character of the play was an elderly corn-merchant.
