+2 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Distinguish between the following

(i) Strategic and ** sale**

(ii) Bilateral and Multi-lateral trade

(iii) Tariff and Non-tariff barriers.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

| (i) | Strategic Sale | Minority Sale |
| (a) | Strategic Sale refers to the sale of 51% or more stake of a PSU to the private sector who bids the highest. | **** Sale refers to the sale of less than 49% stake of a PSU to the private sector. |
| (b) | The ownership of PSU is handed over to the private sector | The ownership of PSU still *** with the government as it holds 51% of stakes. |

| (ii) | Bilateral Trade | Multilateral Trade |
| (a) | It is a trade agreement between two countries | It is a trade agreement among more than two countries. |
| (b) | This is an agreement that provides equal opportunities to both the countries. | This is an agreement that provides equal opportunities to all the member countries in the international market |

| (iii) | Tariff Barriers | Non-Tariff Barriers |
| (a) | It refers to the tax imposed on the imports by the country to protect its domestic industries. | It refers to the restrictions other than taxes,imposed on imports by the country. |
| (b) | It includes custom duties, export-import duties | It includes quotes and licenses. |
| (c) | It is imposed on the physical units (like per tonne) or on value of the goods imported. | It is imposed on the quantity and quality of the goods imported. |
