+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Every famous person has a right to his or her privacy. Interviewers sometimes embarrass celebrities with very personal questions.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Interviewers want to present exclusive and intimate details about the famous person they are interviewing. Some interviewers focus on the public life and achievements of the individual only. They try to be objective in their approach as well as assessment. However, there are others who want to make their interviews more spicy and usually cross the thin limit of privacy of the individual. In their zeal to present good copy they embrass the famous person with the personal questions. Sometimes impact of such questions on famous person reveals his/her aversion as well as irritation at the silliness of the person. If they shout, they are accused of being rude and proud and if they keep mum they are labeled as arrogant. In my opinion privacy of an individual must be respected.
