+3 votes
by kratos

For a kite to have balance while flying, each left and right sides of the horizontal support must be 2/3 as long as the bottom of the vertical support. Also, the top of vertical support must be 1/3 the bottom portion.

(a) Suppose the bottom portion of the vertical support is 21 cm.

(b) Length of upper vertical support = 1/3 × 21 cm = 7 cm

That is, OA = 7 cm

(c) Total length of horizontal support is

2 x 2/3 × 21 cm = 28 cm

That is, BD = 28 cm

Answer the following.

  1. If length of bottom of vertical support is 15 cm find the length of horizontal support.

  2. If total length of vertical support is 20 cm then find the length of each (left and right) side of horizontal support.

  3. If length of horizontal support is 12 cm, find the length of upper and lower vertical support.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Correct answer is

  1. 20 cm
  1. 40/9 cm
  1. Length of bottom of vertical support = 9 cm

Length of upper of vertical support = 3 cm
