+2 votes
in English by kratos

Match each item given under the column C1 to its correct answer given under the column C2.

(1) There are 3 books on Mathematics, 4 on Physics and 5 on English. How many different collections can be made such that each collection consists of :

| (a) One book of each subject; | (i) 3968 |
| (b) At least one book of each subject : | (ii) 60 |
| (c) At least one book of English: | (iii) 3255 |

(2) Five boys and five ***** form a line. Find the number of ways of making the seating arrangement under the following condition:

| (a) Boys and alternate: | (i) 5! × 6! |
| (b) No two
sit together : | (ii) 10 ! – 5 ! 6 ! |
| (c) All the sit together | (iii) (5!)2 + (5!)2 |
| (d) All the
are never together | (iv) 2 ! 5 ! 5 ! |

(3) There are 10 professors and 20 lecturers out of whom a committee of 2 professors and 3 lecturer is to be formed. Find :

| (a) In how many ways committee can be formed | (i) 10C2 × 19C3 |
| (b) In how many ways a particular professor is included | (ii) 10C2 × 19C2 |
| (c) In how many ways a particular lecturer is included | (iii) 9C1 × 20C3 |
| (d) In how many ways a particular lecturer is excluded | (iv) 10C2 × 20C3 |

(4) Using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, a number of 4 different digits is formed. Find

| (a) how many numbers are formed? | (i) 840 |
| (b) how many numbers are exactly divisible by 2? | (ii) 200 |
| (c) how many numbers are exactly divisible by 25? | (iii) 360 |
| (d) how many of these are exactly divisble by 4? | (iv) 40 |

(5) How many words (with or without dictionary meaning) can be made from the letters of the word MONDAY, assuming that no letter is repeated, if

| (a) 4 letters are used at a time | (i) 720 |
| (b) All letters are used at a time | (ii) 240 |
| (c) All letters are used but the first is a vowel | (iii) 360 |

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(1) (a) ↔ (ii)

(b) ↔ (iii) and

(c) ↔ (i)

(2) (a) ↔ (iii)

(b) ↔ (i)

(c) ↔ (iv),

(d) ↔ (ii)

(3) (a) ↔ (iv)

(b) ↔ (iii)

(c) ↔ (ii),

(d) ↔ (i)

(4) (a) ↔ (i)

(b) ↔ (iii)

(c) ↔ (iv),

(d) ↔ (ii)

(5) (a) ↔ (iii)

(b) ↔ (i)

(c) ↔ (ii)
