+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Arihant wants to become a singer even though he belongs to a family of doctors. Though his family members claim to love him but strongly disapprove his choice of career. Using Carl Rogers’ terminology, describe the attitudes shown by Arihant’* family.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Arihant wants to become a singer even though he belongs to a family of doctors. His family ‘claims’ to love him, but disapproves of his choice of career.

This fact warrants my attention towards an important terminology given by Carl Rogers, i.e., unconditional positive regard. As the ** of Arihant to become a singer is contradicted by his family, it results in a situation of negative social conditions which will reduce his level of self-concept and selfesteem.

His inability to fulfil his goal will prevent him from becoming a ‘fully functioning person’. Moreover, his conception of an ‘ideal self involves him being a singer, while his ‘real self is not one due to familial pressure. This discrepancy between the real and ideal self results in dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

The provision of unconditional positive regard which includes empathy, love and warmth irrespective of other factors is necessary for Arihant. According to Rogers, a person attains self-actualization only when people have reached their own fullest potential.

His inability to pursue singing will not allow self-actualization to occur which will prevent his psychological health and well-being.
