+2 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Identify the odd one in each of the following and mention what the rest are:

(a) Larynx; glucagon; testosterone; prolactin……………………………………..

(b) Adrenaline; penicillin; insulin; thyroxin…………………………………

(c) Stomach ; ileum; liver; adrenaline…………………………………..

(d) TSH; GH; ADH; Insulin…………………………………….

(e) Iodine, cretinism, goiter, myxedema………………………………….

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

(a) Larynx

Reason- Larynx is the sound box while the rest three i.e. glucagon; testosterone and prolactin are hormones.

(b) Penicillin

Reason - Penicillin is an antibiotic while adrenaline; insulin; thyroxine are hormones.

(c) Adrenaline

Reason - Adrenaline is a hormone while the stomach, ileum and liver are the organs of the

digestive system.

(d) Insulin

Reason- Insulin is secreted by the pancreas while TSH, GH, ADH are the hormones

secreted by the pituitary gland.

(e) Iodine

Reason- Iodine is required for the synthesis of thyroxine hormone. While cretinism, goitre, myxoedema are the deficiencies occur due to the deficiency of thyroxine.
