+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

Living abroad is challenging in many ways.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Few of the various things which needs to be taken into consideration when one shifts to abroad to settle are:

Identity crisis is one among the various very important concerns because of which shifting to abroad becomes very difficult. One is always treated as a second-hand citizen. People of that particular nation, may it be France, England or Australia would never accept ***** people residing there. The feeling of diaspora and multiculturalism exists throughout even if one attains the citizenship abroad and settles there forever.

**** on many levels could harm an individual on a physical as well as psychological level. The recent case of Indian students being bullied, beaten up and even ** in Australia could be taken into consideration while talking about ****. The difference in ethnicity strikes people of other nations a lot. There are very few nations who are as hospitable as India who believe in the concept of accepting guests as Gods just like the Sanskrit sloka which says: Athithi Devo Bhava.”

Stability in life is struck a huge ****. People live on very uncertain grounds. Issues such as recession could hit the economy anytime. Alternative to income are usually neither found nor provided to such people who immigrate from other nations.

The difference in climate, cuisine and standard of living holds prior importance too. People usually face a financial crunch because of the huge gap between the money they earn and the type of life they want to live. Education, health, etc are also very expensive which might make people feel unsuitable and ,thus, unwelcome in a country.

The law and order system differs from one nation to another. It is very difficult to cope up with the changes so soon. Thus, even when someone gets caught up with some issue, people find it hard to find a solution.
