+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

'It is not an accident that the most discrimination literary criticism of Shelley'* thought and work is by a distinguished scientist, Desmond King-Hele.' How does this statement bring out the meeting point of poetry and science?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

A Desmond King-Hele, a British physicist, is the author of Shelley: His Thought and Work. He said that Shelley' attitude to science emphasises the surprising modern climate of thoughts in which he chose to live. Shelley describes the mechanisms of nature with a precision and wealth of detail. It is a perfect fusion of poetry and science. A scientist critically reviewing a poet' work on science. . Chandrasekhar points out two examples from Shelley' poetry in support of what is said about him. He points out that in his poem Cloud, a creative myth, a scientific monograph, and Chapter 04 - Patterns of Creativity a picaresque tale of cloud adventure are fused together. Then he cites an example from Prometheus Unbound, which has been described by Herbert Read as the greatest expression ever given to humanity' **** for intellectual light and spiritual liberty.
