+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

The following diagrams are the age pyramids of different populations. Comment on the status of these populations.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

.A: It is a pyramid shaped age pyramid. In this figure, the base i.e prereproductive stage is very large when compared with the reproductive and past reproductive stages of the population. This type of age structure indicates that the population would increase rapidly

.B: It is an inverted bell shaped pyramid. In this figure, the pre-reproductive and reproductive stages are same. This type of age structure indicates that the population is stable.

c: It is ‘Urn’ shaped pyramid. In this figure, the pre-reproductive and reproductive stages are less than the post reproductive stage of this population. In this population more older people are present. This type of age structure indicates that the population definitely is declining.
