+3 votes
in Class 9 by kratos

Fill in the blanks

  1. People moving from one place to another within a country is called ................ migration.

  2. Many people from Mexico migrate illegally to the neighbouring US in search of .............

  3. People from Delhi moving to Gurugram is an example of urban to ........... migration.

  4. ................. are people who leave their country and move to another country.

  5. ............ are people who arrive in another country after leaving their own country.

  6. ............ factors are reasons that force people to leave a place.

  7. ........... factors are reasons that attract people to a new place.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer
  1. People moving from one place to another within a country is called internal migration.

  2. Many people from Mexico migrate illegally to the neighbouring US in search of jobs.

  3. People from Delhi moving to Gurugram is an example of urban to urban migration.

  4. Emigrants are people who leave their country and move to another country.

  5. Immigrants are people who arrive in another country after leaving their own country.

  6. Push factors are reasons that force people to leave a place.

  7. Pull factors are reasons that attract people to a new place.
