+1 vote
by kratos

Write a note on the safety measures to lessen the impact of droughts.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Safety measures to lessen the impact of droughts are :

  1. Using water sources such as rivers, lakes and ponds carefully and maintaining them is important to tide people over during times of no rain.

  2. Rainwater harvesting goes a long way in replenishing the depleting supply of groundwater. The government and social *** organizations should teach and enable people to harvest rainwater to restore their water reserves.

  3. Building of check dams also helps to collect run-*** water in hilly areas.

  4. We should stop cutting down trees along river banks and other water bodies. Instead, we should plant more trees. Trees help in drawing moisture and rainfall to a region.

  5. We should stop wasteful use of water in our daily life.
