+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Write an Essay on My Vision - ** free India

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

My Vision Of ** Free India

Indians have seen so much of ** and its horrible consequences that they have only one yearning; they all want to live in a ** free India. Every Indian wishes to breathe in a cleaner, prosperous, progressive, stronger, self-reliant, more organized India. This is possible only when the evil of ** has been totally vanquished.

My vision of India includes completely ** free India. I envision every Indian (especially in the public sector and Government run departments). I envision an India where all Indians are working for higher ideals such as excellence, perfection, creativity, I envision an India in which all Indians are working zealously to make it one of the most advanced, clean, green and peaceful country in the world.

Now the most crucial question: ‘How to achieve this vision?’ Although many anti-** agencies have been created to curb ****, but they exist in name only. The only solution to the problem of **** is people’ involvement in eradicating it from the face of our country. They will have to take the issue in their hands. The French Revolution and the Russian Revolutions stand as perfect examples which show when the people of a country unite against an oppressive evil, how the evil just vanishes. Since they are the losers in all the scams and scandals, as the money wasted and misused is their tax money, they have the right to curb scams and scandals. There must be large scale protests by the people against scams and ill practices.

Of late owing to the growing awareness and protests by the people, the central Government has been taking some steps to curb **. Some anti-** agencies have been set up. Agencies such as RTI, the Central Vigilance Commission, and PIO have been created. The people, along with their unified protest, must use these agencies to curb **. The media can play a great role in curbing **. The concerted efforts of the people of India, anti-** departments, and media have the power to root out this evil from India. One thing is crystal clear; unless people themselves pledge to eradicate **, this evil will continue to exist. This vision won’t ever become a reality unless all of us, the Indians pledge never ever to do any ** in thoughts, words, and deeds. I work day and night earnestly towards making this vision reality. I hope one day soon the reality will happen.
