+1 vote
in Class 9 by kratos

What will be the local time at Madras 80°E ? When it is 9 P.M. at New York 74° W ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

Longitude of Madras = 80° E

Longitude of New York = 74° W

Difference in Degrees = 80° + 74° = 154°

Difference in time per degree = 4 minutes

Difference between the times of two places = 40 x 154 = 616 = 10 hour 16 minutes

Since Madras **** East of New York, we shall add 10 hours 16 minutes to the local time of New York. The local time at Madras will therefore, be 7.16 A.M. next morning.
