+2 votes
in Class 9 by kratos

With reference to local self-government today, answer the following questions:

What is the significance of self-government institution?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The Local Self-Government has multi-dimensional significance. Local people can effectively manage the local, affairs like sanitation, electricity, water supply, education, public works and other utilities. Local Self-Government provides an opportunity for the people to govern themselves. Local bodies provide a good training to manage national or State affairs later on in life. Most people who reached great heights began their public career as a member of local bodies. Local Institutions relive State Administration of some of its burden. Hence, it can concentrate better on matters like—public order, **** law, police, prisons and trade and commerce within the State. This ensures efficiency at all levels—national, regional and local. Moreover, this system is extremely Economical. These bodies consist of honorary members, serving without pay or very little emoluments.
