+1 vote
in Class 9 by kratos

With reference to the invasion of Muhammad Ghori, answer the following questions:

What were the cause of success of the Turks against the Rajputs ?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The factors which led to the defeat of the Rajputs against the Turks were the following:

  1. The Turkish army consisted mainly of cavalry and its horses had greater stamina and endurance.

  2. The Turkish army comprised expert military leaders from different lands who employed new tactics of war. The Rajputs, on the other hand, followed outdated tactics.

  3. The Rajput soldiers were highly efficient in the use of spear and sword and excellent in hand-to-hand fighting. But as archers, they were inferior to the Turks. The Turks were aware of the weak points of their opponents. They avoided a close combat and usually made their ** from a safe distance. The Rajputs were divided into a number of clans, each of which greater importance to its own family traditions. The Turks had to * not against a unified army but against a few dynasties
