+2 votes
in Class 9 by kratos

The Movement against the Roman **** ** is called the Reformation.

Discuss its causes with reference to the following:

(a) Sale of Indulgences

(b) Tithe

(c) Raising Funds to build St. Peter’* Basilica

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(a) Sale of Indulgences: Another way of collecting money was the sale of letters which remitted punishment for sin. Those who had money would be made free from doing penance for their sins by buying a Letter of Indulgence. The clergy claimed that those who bought the Indulgences got remission of their sins by ***.

(b) Tithe: The people were required to pay ‘tithe’ (one-tenth of their income) to support churches and priests. Besides, the clergy collected another tax called ‘Peter’* pence’ from the people. The burden fell mainly on the peasants and the middle class families.

(c) Raising Funds to build St. Peter’* Basilica: Pope Leo X wanted to build St. Peter’ Basilica (*) with the new architectural designs. He sent emissaries to sell Indulgences and to collect funds for the new project. John Tetzel, an agent of the Pope, went to Writen berg with the mission of raising sums for the building. It provoked Martin Luther.
