+3 votes
by kratos

Describe the emergence and fall of Constantinople.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

The Roman emperor Constantine established a new capital at Byzantine in AD 330. This city became famous as Constantinople, named after Constantine. The Byzantine empire with Constantinople as its capital prospered for a thousand years until AD 1453. It had close relations with countries of the east, including India. The Byzantines built beautiful churches with lavish decorations. Constantinople became the largest city in Europe, the most splendid and prosperous.

The Fall of Constantinople

The capital of Constantinople had been under ** many times before, and all have **, all but one. The Ottoman Turks, who were Muslims and under the lead of Sultan Mehmed 11, had an army of 100,000 to 150,000, while the army for Constantinople had 10,000. The siege lasted for about fifty days. The army of Constantinople tried to use every tactic that worked before, but they were greatly outnumbered, which hurt their chances. As well as trying to take over the city, the Turks were fighting and trying to take over the seas and ports. On Tuesday, May 29, 1453, the army of Constantinople surrendered and left, letting the Ottomans take over the city.
