+3 votes
by kratos

Fill in the blanks :

(i) Negative of -20 is ……….

(ii) Negative of 0 is …………

(iii) Negative of 8 is ………..

(iv) If 10 represents gain of Rs 10, then -10 represents …………..

(v) If going south is negative then going north is …………

(vi) Because 5 < 7, therefore -5 ……….. -7.

(vii) If 3 > -2, then 3 is on the ………….. of -2.

(viii) If -8 < -6, then -8 is on the …………. of -6.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

(i) 20

(ii) 0

(iii) -8

(iv) loss of Rs 10

(v) positive

(vi) less than

(vii) right side

(viii) left side
