+1 vote
by kratos

Fill in the blanks.

  1. The main river of the Harappan civilization was .............

  2. The Great Bath is located in ................

  3. The main occupation of the Harappan were ..............

  4. The rich wore ornaments made of ................... and ................

  5. The Harappan seals are made of ............... and ..............

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer
  1. The main river of the Harappan civilization was Ravi.

  2. The Great Bath is located in Mohenjodaro.

  3. The main occupation of the Harappan were farming.

  4. The rich wore ornaments made of gold, silver and ivoiy.

  5. The Harappan seals are made of clay, soapstone and copper.
