+3 votes
by kratos

Match the following.

| A | B |
| 1. Aryavarta | (a) commander -in - chief |
| 2. senani | (b) of rain and thunder |
| 3. Jana | (c) land of the aryans |
| 4. Gramani | (d)Tribe of the vedic
* |
| 5. Sabha | (e) Headman of the village |
| 6. Indra | (f) Samaller assembley of selected people |

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

| A | B |
| 1. Aryavarta | (c) land of the aryans |
| 2. senani | (a) commander -in - chief |
| 3. Jana | (d)Tribe of the vedic ** |
| 4. Gramani | (e) Headman of the village |
| 5. Sabha | (f) Samaller assembley of selected people |
| 6. Indra | (b) *** of rain and thunder |
