+3 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Three sets of English, Hindi and Sociology book dealing with cleanliness have to be stacked in such a way that all the books are stored topic wise and the height of each stack is the same. The number of English books is 96 the number of Hindi books is 240 and the number of sociology books is 336.

(i) Assuming that the books are of the same thickness, determine the number of stacks of English, Hindi and Sociology books.

(ii) Which mathematical concept is used in the r problem?

(iii) Which good habit is discussed in this problem ?

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) In order to arrange the books as required, we have to find the largest number that divides 96,240 and 336 exactly, clearly, such a number is their HCF.

We have, 96 = 25 x 3

240 = 24 x 3 x 5

and 336 = 24 x 3 x 7

.'. HCF of 95,240, and 336 is 24x 3 = 48

So, there must be 48 books in each stack.

Number of stacks of English books

= 96 / 48 = 2

Number of stacks of Hindi books

240 / 48 = 5

Number of stacks of Sociology books

= 336 / 48 = 7

(ii) HCF of numbers.

(iii) Cleanliness has been discussed in this question, it is a good habit that leads to good health
