+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

If a live earth worm is pricked with a needle on its outer surface without damaging its gut, the fluid that comes out is

(a) excretory fluid

(b) coelomic fluid

(c) haemolymph

(d) slimy mucus

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Correct option (b) coelomic fluid


The body cavity of earthworm is true coelom (schizocoel) as it is formed by the division of mesoderm. The coelom is filled with milky, alkaline coelomic fluid, which contains different types of corpuscles. Thus, if alive earthworm is prickled with a needle on its outer surface, the coelomic fluid will come out.

Excretory fluids Excretory system regulate the chemical composition of body fluids by removing metabolic waste substances.

Haemolymph It is a fluid in the open circulatory system of arthropods, e.g. spiders, crustaceans etc.

It is analogous to the fluids and cells making both blood and interstitial fluid.

Slimy mucus Mucus trap bacteria cell debris and prevents it from entering into lungs and in their body parts.
