+2 votes
in General by kratos

For the first order reaction, plot of log10 [A]t against time 't' is a straight line with a negative slope equal to ____________.

  • 2.303 k
  • $(-2.303)/"k"$
  • $"k"/2.303$
  • $2.303/"k"$

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

For the first order reaction, plot of log10 [A]t against time 't' is a straight line with a negative slope equal to $underline("k"/2.303)$.


k = $2.303/"t" xx log_10 (["A"]_0)/(["A"]_"t")$

$"kt"/2.303$ = log10 [A]0 log10 [A]t

log10 [A]t = $-"kt"/2.303 + log_10 ["A"]_0$ .......[comparing with y = 1mx + c where m = slope]

Slope = $-"k"/2.303$

Negative slope = $"k"/2.303$
