+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Observe the given table carefully and answer the following questions:

| Pan No | Name | Phene no | Address |
| CTZPW123A | Rajesh Kumar | 9599123456 | WZ11-Rajouri Garden, Delhi |
| ABWQ2341B | Hemant Kumar | 9812345678 | Modem Apartments, Pitampura, Delhi |
| DERA9786T | Naveen Sharma | 7868654235 | CA22, Sector 21 Rohini, Delhi |
| PARD3457L | Sourabh Verma | 8933217645 | JD 61, Sector 20, Gurgaon |
| GDTT8762P | Nishant Kumar | NULL | Modern Apartments, Pitampura, Delhi |
| MERT2376G | Hemant Kumar | 9811110891 | F40, Sector 19, Rohini, Delhi |

(i) Name the column that might have a primary key constraint. justify your answer.

(ii) Name the column that might have a Unique constraint. Justify your answer.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) PanNo must be a Primary Key as it contains unique and NOT NULL values.

(ii) Phoneno must have a Unique constraint as it contains non repeating values and a Unique constraint allows NULL values.
