+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

"This asana helps to increase height and is useful for young ****". Discuss its procedure.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Tadasana stretches the entire spine and helps to increase height in few cases.

Procedure for Tadasana:

Stand upright with feet together or little apart, and the arms by the sides. Body weight should be equally distributed on both the feet. Raise the arms vertically over the head. Interlock the fingers of the two hands and turn the palms upwards. Now place the hands on top of the head, with palms facing downward. Focus the gaze at some point on the wall in front, at an elevated angle and keep the gaze focussed there throughout the practice. Inhale and stretch the arms shoulder, chest upward, simultaneously turning the palms upwards and come on the toes. Hold in this position for few seconds. Lower the heels while breathing out and bring the hands back to the starting position. Practice 5-10 times.
