+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Recall the adaptive effects that take place in our cardiovascular system after engaging in exercise for a longer **.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Adapting effects in our cardiovascular system for a longer ** are:

(a) Cardiac output increases: The cardiac output at rest ** unchanged but at maximum level of exercise it increases considerably. This increase results mainly from the increase in maximal ***** volume. For highly endurance trained athletes the cardiac output is 40 1/min or more.

(b) Increase in **** volume: Physical exercise. especially endurance training, increases the **** volume. In trained athletes, who endure for long duration, the left ventricle of heart holds more blood during relaxed state than it does in an untrained athlete' heart. It means more blood is available to enter the ventricle, which ultimately increases ***** volume. It also results in decrease in heartrate at rest.

(c) Lung volume: With endurance training lung volume and capacities increase. vital capacity is also increased after long duration workouts.

(d) Tidal volume increases: The tidal volume is the amount of air inspired or expired per breath. It also increases as a result of long hours training. In untrained individual the tidal volume is 500 ml,/breath. whereas in trained persons it increases to more than 600-700 ml/breath

(e) Blood flow: It is a well-known fact that active muscles require more oxygen and nutrients. To fulfil this requirement, more blood must be supplied to these muscles during exercise. The adaptive effect that takes place is that the muscle becomes better trained and the circulatory system adapts to increase blood flow to them.
