+3 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Describe any three steps taken to clean up London during nineteenth century

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

Steps taken to clean London –

(i) Attempts were made up to decongest localities

(ii) Green the open space

(iii) Reduce pollution

(iv) Landscape the city

(v) Large blocks of apartments were built

(vi) Any other relevant point

Any three points to be described.

Detailed Answer :

The problems faced by the cotton weavers –

(i) They could not get sufficient supply of raw good quality cotton.

(ii) Cotton supplies from the US were cut during the ***** Civil War, Britain turned to India. The price of raw cotton increased as raw cotton exports from India increased.

(iii) Weavers in India were starved of supplies and forced to buy raw cotton at very high prices.
