+3 votes
in JEE by kratos

Two dairy owners A and B sell flavoured milk filled to capacity in mugs of negligible thickness, which are cylindrical in shape with a raised hemispherical bottom. The mugs are 14 cm high and have diameter of 7 cm as shown in given figure. Both A and B sell flavoured milk at the rate of Rs.80 per litre. The dairy owner A uses the formula πr2h to find the volume of milk in the mug and charges Rs.43.12 for it. The dairy owner B is of the view that the price of actual quantity of milk should be charged. What according to him should be the price of one mug of milk? (use π = 22/7)

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Capacity of mug (actual quantity of milk)

Amount dairy owner B should charge for one mug of milk

= (2695 x 80) / (6 x 1000)

= Rs. 35.93
