+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

It may take a long time for oppression to be resisted, but the seeds of rebellion are sowed early in life. How did Zitkala-Sa face oppression as a child and how did she overcome it ?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

-childhood experience makes a mark

– sweet / bitter -oppression / suppression / exploitation

-her childhood courage to face atrocities / bullying

-cutting of hair and her resistance

-became a universal name although belonged to a marginalized community

-faced it in a spirited manner

-resisted by hiding under bed -kicked / scratched widely / cried aloud / shook her head

-lost her spirit after hair was cut

-seeds of rebellion sown

-struggled, triumphed- criticised the system / dogma / life of a native ****

(any other relevant point)

(any six point)

Detailed Answer :

**** are much more sensitive and observant than the adults. They see, hear, and feel whatever is happening around them. They are quick to notice any deviation from the normal. Zitkala-Sa shows that she has the seed of rebellion at a tender age. Her friend Judwin tells her that the authorities will cut her long, heavy hair and she will have to submit as the authorities were stronger than her. But Zitkala-Sa rebels and declares that she will not submit. And, she does carry out her resolution. She hides herself to foil their attempt. When she is detected to be hiding under the bed, she is dragged out. She kept resisting by scratching and kicking them wildly. But, she was overpowered and tied to a chair. She doesn’t take things lying down and instead keeps resisting. The spark of rebellion is not put out by oppression.
