+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Why do we need to compare the Indian economy with the *** Economy? Explain.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

China is the larger nation geographically as compared to India. We need to compare the Indian economy with the ** Economy as when many developed countries were finding it difficult to maintain a growth rate of even 5 percent, China was able to maintain near double-digit growth rate for more than two decades. The total cultivatable area in China accounts for 40 percent of the cultivatable area in India. China’ development strategy is its Great Leap Forward (GLF) which aimed at the high-scale industrialization of the economy. Therefore, basis of growth rate of China is manufacturing sector where as it is service sector in India. China has least index with respect to income, population below ** line or health index – *** rate, sanitation, literacy, life expectancy or malnutrition, etc. Since 1978 growth rate of GDP was around 10 percent. In economic size, China is supposed today only by the U.., Japan, Germany and France. One child norm is important in reducing the population ,it has controlled its population growth rate through the One Child Policy programme.
