+1 vote
in Physics by kratos

Making use of the Hund rules, find the number of electrons in the only partially filled subshell of the atom whose basic term is

(a) 3F2; (b) 2P3/2; (c) 6S5/2.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

*(a) 3F2: The maximum value of spin is = 1 here. This means there are 2 electrons. L = 3 so s and p electrons are ruled out. Thus the simplest possibility is d electrons. This is the correct choice for if we were considering f electrons, the maximum value of L allowed by Pauli principle will be L = 5 (maximum value of the magnitude of magnetic quantum number will be 3 + 2 = 5 .)**

Thus the atom has two d electrons in the unfilled shell.

*(b) 2P3/2 Here L=1, =1/2 and J=3/2**

Since J = L + , Hund’ rule implies the shell is more than half full. This means one electron less than a full shell. On the basis of ** picture it is easy to see that we have p electrons. Thus the atom has 5 p electrons.**

(c) 6S5/2 Here L = 0 . We either have five electrons or five holes. The angular part is antisymmetric. For five d electrons, the maximum value of the quantum number consistent with Pauli exclusion principle is ( 2 + 1 + 0 - 1 - 2 ) = 0 so L = 0 . For f or g electrons L > 0 whether the shell has five electrons or five holes. Thus the atom has five d electrons.
