+2 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Differentiate between The Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Difference between the Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers.

| S.No | The Himalayan Rivers | The Peninsular Rivers |
| a. | The Himalayan The Himalayan and flow throughout the year. | A large number of Peninsular rivers are seasonal and flow during a certain ** in a year. |
| b. | They receive water They receive water melting snow of melting snow of melting snow of | They receive water from rainfall only. |
| c. | They have long courses. | They have short and shallow courses. |
| d. | They carry a lot of silt and sand. | They carry very less or no silt and sand. |
| e. | They originate in the North of Himalayan mountain ranges. | They mainly originate in the Western Ghats. |
