+1 vote
by kratos

Complete the following table:

| Objective | Why is this important? | Example of violation of this objective |
| --- | --- | --- |
| One religious community does not dominate another, | | |
| The State does not enforce any particular religion nor take away the religious freedom of individuals. | | |
| That some members do not dominate other members of the same religious community. | |

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

| Objective | Why is this important? | Example of violation of this objective |
| --- | --- | --- |
| One religious community does not dominate another, | This is important to prevent the tyranny of majority community. | One religious group preventing another religious group from celebrating a festival. |
| The State does not enforce any particular religion nor take away the religious freedom of individuals. | This ensures that the State continues to be a secular state. | Pakistan has declared itself as an Islamic nation. |
| That some members do not dominate other members of the same religious community. | This prevents majority tyranny within the same community. | Members of forward caste among Hindus often commit atrocities against members of the Dalit castes. |
