+3 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

The biome, which is characterised by broad-leaved vegetation. life-resistant resinous plants and drought-evading plants, is known as

(a) steppes

(b) chapparal

(c) deciduous forest

(d) savannah

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Correct option (b) chapparal

Explanation :

Chapparal is a broad - leaved evergreen shrub forest of hard and thick - leaved small trees and shrubs which usually contain resin but are resistant to fires. Both plants and animals are adapted to long droughts. Steppes are grasslands of Eurasia. Temperate deciduous forest has dominant climax vegetation consisting of broad - leaved hardwood trees like oak, elm, maple, birch, beech, hickory, Magnolias, etc. Tropical deciduous forest is dominated by trees, e.g. Dalbergia, Bombax, Butea, Shorea, etc.
