+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

In respiration from 180 g of glucose which of the following is formed

(a) 264 gm CO2 + 190 gm H2O + 391 Kcal

(b) 264 gm CO2 + 108 gm H2O + 686 Kcal

(c) 390 gm CO2 + 108 gm H2O + 686 Kcal

(d) 390 gm CO2+ 264 gm H2O + 391 Kcal

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

Correct option (b) 264 gm CO2 + 108 gm H2O + 686 Kcal


The complete reaction of respiration is -

So, from 1 molecules or 180 gm of glucose, 264 gm CO2, 108 gm H2O and 686 Kcal energy are formed during respiration.
