+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Plants of which one of the following groups of genera are pollinated by the same agency ?

(a) Triticum, Cocos, Mangifera

(b) Ficus, Kigelia, Casuarina

(c) Salvia, Morus, Euphorbia

(d) Bombax, Butea, Bauhinia

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Correct option (d) Bombax, Butea, Bauhinia

Explanation :

Pollination by birds is called ornithophily, e.g. humming birds, honey eaters, sunbirds etc. are sensitive to colours and have powerful vision. Plants like Bombax, Butea, etc are ornithophilous plants. Their followers are characterised by tubular, cup shaped corolla, bright colour to attract insect, excess of nectar and pollens. They are generally odourless. Bauhinia is mostly visited by humming birds and their propagules are dispersed by birds.
