+2 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below in your own words :

In developing countries, the lag behind the boy in education. A large number of them do not go to school. Even when they are enrolled the burden of domestic chores stands in the way of their education progress. The single most important factor in their poor performance is the time and strain imposed by girl child' work load. Close behind **, follows tradition, and perhaps the strongest tradition of all is the idea that sons should be educated because they will be the bread winners of their families, and supporters of their aging parents. A girl' work, though it may be longer and **, is considered less likely to bring monetary income. In culture where marriage means a daughter becomes the part of her husband' family, the incentive to educate **** is weaker still.

(i) Why do people prefer to educate boys to *****?

(ii) Why is the incentive to educate **** less in culture where the daughter becomes the part of her husband' family after marriage?

(iii) are paid less though their work may be *. What attitude of society does it show?

(iv) What word in the passage means 'go too slow'?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

(i) People prefer to educate boys to girl because boys will be the bread winners of their own future families and supporters of their aging parents.

(ii) The incentive to educate girl less in cultures where the daughters become a part of their husband' families after marriage. This is because girl' parents feel that their educated daughter' income may go to their husband' families.

(iii) are paid less though their work may be . The society shows the attitude of giving preference to boys. The society feels that **** should be involved in domestic chores whereas boys should concentrate on their education.

(iv) 'Lag behind.'
