+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions in your own words :

Yoga is the ancient Indian system to keep a person fit in body and mind. It is basically a system of self-treatment. According to the yogic view, ****, disorders and ailments are the result of some faulty ways of living bad habits, lack of proper knowledge and unsuitable food. The **** are thus the resultant state of a sort of prolonged mal functioning of the body system. Since the root cause of a ** in the mistakes of the individual cure also * in correcting the mistakes by the individual himself. The Yoga expert shows only the path and works so more than as a counsellor. The yogic practice of treatment comprises three step namely proper diet, proper yogic practice and proper knowledge of things about the self.

(i) What is Yoga?

(ii) How does Yoga differ from other methods of treating ***?

(iii) How an expert of Yoga help us in practising Yoga?

(iv) Find a word in a passage means 'wrong'

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) Yoga is the ancient Indian system to keep a person fit in body and mind. It is basically a system of self-treatment.

(ii) Yoga is basically a system of self-treatment.

(iii) A yoga expert shows only the path and works as counsellor. They mainly focus on three steps, that is proper diet, proper yogic practice and proper knowledge of things about the self.

(iv) Fault
