+3 votes
in JEE by kratos

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question in your own words :

Education is a device for helping a man to grow his full stature and makes him able to realize his own nature both mentally and spiritually. It is like a good gardener who helps each plant to develop that essential quality of its own. The good educator performs a similar business for the human being. But most of us do not stick to the services of a good education and fall flat in lives. One the other hand the man who has received the right kind of training and education, find the world larger and more exciting. As result even the simple common place things of life seem to be beautiful. This education develops in man the qualities of intelligence and good taste. These attributes are what differentiates man from other species and leads his true development.

(i) What is education?

(ii) What is the role of the right education?

(iii) Which type of qualities are developed in man by education?

(iv) Which word in this passage means 'qualities'.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) Education is a device for helping a man to grow his full stature and makes him able to realize his own nature both mentally and spiritually.

(ii) The man who received the right kind of education, find the world larger and more exciting.

(iii) The qualities of intelligence and good taste are developed in man by education.

(iv) 'Attributed'.
