+2 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

A vessel contains mixture of 24l milk and 6l water and a second vessel contains a mixture of 15l milk & 10l water. How much mixture of milk and water should be taken from the first and the second vessel separately and kept in a third vessel so that the third vessel may contain a mixture of 25l milk and 10l water ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

Let x l of the mixture be taken from Ist vessel & y l of the mixture be taken from 2nd vessel and kept in 3rd vessel so that (x + y) l of the mixture in third vessel may contain 25 l of milk & 10l of water.

A mixture of x l from 1st vessel contains 24/30 x 4/5 x l of milk & x/5 l of water and a mixture of y l from 2nd vessel contains 3y/5 l of milk & 2y/5 l of water.

So, 4/5x + 3/5y=25 .....(i)

x/5+2/5y=10 ......(ii)

Solving (i) & (ii) x = 20 litres and y = 15 litres.
