+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

How did the novels fulfill the task of nation building during the british **.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Novels played an important role in nation building during the British **. Glorifying the nation' past and incorporating characters from various classes were some of the ways in which novels helped in fostering a sense of national belonging among Indians. For example, Premchand' novels have powerful characters from all strata of society. They also have strong female characters, especially those belonging to the underprivileged class. Junking the conventional fascination for ancient history, his novels paint a positive picture of the present and the future. The main character of his novel 'Rangbhoomi' is a ***** beggar from the so-called untouchable caste. In 'Godan', Premchand portrays the life of a much exploited, but still virtuous peasant couple. These novels of Premchand sought to foster the values of democracy and egalitarianism. In this way, novels played a pivotal role in the process of nation building in India.
