+3 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Write the functional activity of the following structures:

Seminal vesicles




Cowper’* gland

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

| Name | Function |
| Seminal vesicles | Their secretion provides energy source for the sperms and neutralizes the acidic medium in the urethra and female tract. |
| Ovary | Its main function is the formation of ovum (oogenesis). |
| Testis | The main function of testis is the formation of spermatozoa. |
| Placenta | Its main function is the exchange of materials between mother and the foetus (such as nutrients, respiratory gases and waste products). |
| Cowper’ gland | Its secretion lubricates the end of **** during copulation and neutralizes the acidic environment of the urethra. |
