+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Write the Summary of a Drama Villa For Sale

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

A lady wants to sell her house because she is in need of money. She decides to sell it for two hundred thousand francs, and puts up a ‗Villa for Sale‘ notice at the front of her house. But even after more than a month no costumer comes or calls up. The landlady feels desperate and decides to get rid *** of it at any price. One day a lady and her husband call in with a mind to buy the house. While the lady seems very anxious to buy it, her husband does not show any interest. The landlady insists on their going round the house to have a look at it. The disinterested husband refuses to go but the wife goes upstairs with her. In the meantime a lady steps in. She takes the husband to be the owner of the house and stats talking to him. She seems to be in a tearing hurry to buy the house without having a look at it. She at once agrees to pay three hundred thousand francs and gives the man a cheque for that amount. She exits abruptly. When his wife comes down, she does not seem to have liked the house very much. But the husband starts praising it. He immediately takes out his cheque book and pays two hundred thousand francs to the land lady. He cleverly obtains a receipt for the amount from the lady. Thus sitting in the drawing room of the lady, he earns hundred thousand francs for himself and gets the maximum for the lady for her house.
