+3 votes
in Physics by kratos

Copy and complete the following by filling in the blanks 1 to 5 with appropriate words :

The human female gonads are ovaries. A maturing egg in the ovary is present in a sac of cells called ........(1). As the egg grows larger, the follicle enlarges and gets filled with a fluid and is now called the .............(2) follicle. The process of releasing the egg front the ovary is called ..........(3). The ovum is picked up by the oviduct funnel and fertilization takes place in the ...............(4). In about a week the blastocyst gets fixed in the endometrium of the ** and this process is called ............(5).

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(1) Follicle

(2) Graafian

(3) Ovulation

(4) Oviduct

(5) Implantation
