+3 votes
in JEE by kratos

(i) The ore zinc blende, is an important source of the metal zinc. What is the name of the zinc compound in zinc blende ?

(ii) Which is the zinc compound obtained by roasting zinc blende ?

(iii) What is the type of chemical reaction carried out after roasting in order to obtain zinc ?

(iv) Are liquid zinc and liquid lead miscible or immiscible ?

(v) What is the name of the alloy formed between zinc and copper ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

(i) Zinc sulphide [ZnS].

(ii) Zinc blende is oxidised to zinc oxide by roasting in presence of excess air on reverberatory furance.

(iii) Reduction of zinc oxide.

(iv) Immiscible.

(v) Brass
