+3 votes
in JEE by kratos

1 L of a mixture of CO and CO2 is taken. This mixture is passed through a tube containing red hot charcoal. The volume now becomes 1.6 L. The volumes are measured under the same conditions. Find the composition of the mixture by volume.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The total volume of the mixture = 1 L

Let the volume of CO in the mixture = x L

The volume of CO2 in the mixture = (1- x) L

On passing mixture through a tube containing red hot charcoal. CO2is completely reduced to CO.

Thus, the product obtained is only CO (ie, 1.6 L)

Thus, the volume of CO in mixture = 0.4 L

The volume of CO2 in mixture = (1 - 0.4) L = 0.6 L
