+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Read the following passage carefully :

A noise is a sound that is unpleasant to the ears. However, a noise unpleasant to one person may be pleasant to another. In scientific terms, noise is made by an irregular pattern of sound waves. There are a number of things which make our world unpleasantly or even dangerously noisy, such as a jet aircraft taking , road drills, heavy traffic or loudspeakers. The sound waves * into structures and cause them to vibrate, giving rise to noise. In the process the ears get damaged. In younger people deafness can be caused by too loud noise or from prolonged exposure to loud noise, as produced by too much amplification in a discotheque or by machines in a factory. The noise depends on the energy the sound waves carry. Decibel scale is used to measure the loudness of sound.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions briefly :

(a) Noise is defined scientifically as ………. .

(b) Which thing makes our world dangerously noisy?

(c) Prolonged exposure to loud noise should be avoided by the younger people because ……. .

(d) Too much amplification should be avoided in a discotheque because ……… .

(e) Decibel scale is used to measure ……… .

(f) The phrase ‘**** into’ mean ………. .

(g) The meaning of the word ‘exposure’ is ……….

(h) The meaning of the word ‘magnify’ is ……….

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(a) an irregular pattern of sound waves

(b) A jet aircraft taking ***, heavy traffic, road drills and loudspeakers.

(c) it causes deafness

(d) it produces prolonged loud noise

(e) the loudness of sound

(f) strike or hit suddenly

(g) being allowed to experience

(h) amplify
