+2 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Day-by-day the nightingale


All alone gave no delight

Explain the above poem line.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The nightingale grew sad and weak with the passage of time. She got no time for rest and had to work ** under the pressure of the deceitful frog. Gradually, the birds and animals got tired of her monotonous singing and they stopped coming to that place. The frog had his heart’* will. This was what he wanted. On the other hand, the nightingale became upset and depressed as she had grown addicted to singing in front of a large crowd. She was addicted to appreciation as well. Now, she had to sing all alone as nobody came to listen to her song.

Poetic Devices :

Alliteration : Till the birds and beasts grew tired

She grew more morose

Repetition : Day-by-day

night on night
