+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

In spite of communal partition, India was not declared a ‘Hindu State’. How the leaders of Indian National Congress defended the adoption of “secularism” in India?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

In spite of communal partition, India was not declared a ‘Hindu State’ on the following basis:-

a. Most of the national movement leaders believed that India must treat persons of all religions equally and that India should not be a country that gives status to adherents of one ***** and inferior to those who practiced another religion.

b. Even after large scale migration of Muslims to the newly created Pakistan, the ** population in India accounted for 12 Percent of the total population in 1951.

c. To provide a sense of security to other religious minorities in India, it became utmost important to declare India a ‘Secular State’.
